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2 Apr 2024
Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction and Economic Resilience through Rural Development

The study by Mainlevel Consulting assesses Fairtrade's impact on poverty reduction and rural development in Ghana and Peru across cocoa, banana, and coffee sectors, comparing certified and non-certified Small Producer Organizations (SPOs) using qualitative and quantitative methods.

2 Apr 2024
Die Unternehmenskultur der GIZ

Das Gutachterteam identifiziert wesentliche Ergebnisse der Unternehmenskultur der GIZ, darunter den Wunsch der Mitarbeitenden nach verstärkter Zusammenarbeit und weniger Konkurrenz, sowie die Bedeutung von Kreativität für zukünftige Anpassungen. Obwohl einige Herausforderungen wie Befristungsproblematik und Arbeitsbelastung diskutiert werden, empfiehlt das Team kultursensible Veränderungsmaßnahmen entsprechend den mittelfristigen Anforderungen des Unternehmens.

2 Apr 2024
Assessing the Impact of FairtCentral project evaluation Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development, Rwandarade on Poverty Reduction and Economic Resilience through Rural Development

The Rwandan Government wishes to digitalize the country’s economy and society as a means to accelerate social and economic development. The project intends to establish structures and capacities for the development and implementation of digital solutions for Rwanda and Africa related to the SDGs.

2 Apr 2024
Remote Management, Monitoring, and Verification Tools & Service Providers

This is KfW’s RMMV Guidebook on how to manage, monitor and verify Financial Cooperation projects remotely. This RMMV Guidebook will assist KfW’s employees, project partners and suppliers in jointly implementing Financial Cooperation Projects even in situations with limited access to project sites, projects with many locations as well as projects covering extended areas.

2 Apr 2024
Evaluierungsbericht 2017: Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E)

Mainlevel wurde vom DAAD beauftragt, das P.R.I.M.E.-Programm zu evaluieren und Erkenntnisse für den neuen Förderantrag zu gewinnen, sowie Empfehlungen für die mögliche neue Phase des Programms abzuleiten. Ziel war es die Fortsetzung des Programms sicherzustellen und die Markenbekanntheit von "P.R.I.M.E." zu steigern.

2 Apr 2024
Evaluation: Programme Professional Education and Training in Central Asia

The "Programme Professional Education and Training in Central Asia" project aimed to improve vocational education in the Central Asian food industry, addressing challenges like underfunding and outdated teaching methods. It collaborated with government ministries, educational institutions, and the private sector across Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. The project's multi-level approach engaged stakeholders to collectively plan and implement interventions, benefiting young individuals aspiring to work in the agri-food sector.

2 Apr 2024
Fair Gründen

Mainlevel Consulting wurde von der Senatskanzlei der Freien Hansestadt Bremen beauftragt, die Studie „Fair Gründen: Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Förderung von Unternehmensgründungen mit Impact im Globalen Süden” durchzuführen. Die Zusammenarbeit begann Mitte Oktober 2022. Die Ergebnisse der Studie wurden am 26. April 2023 im Rahmen eines Netzwerktreffens vorgestellt

2 Apr 2024
Factsheet dialogue on sustainability in Pakistan

The ‘Dialogue for Sustainability’ as part of the GIZ-project ‘Improvement of labour and social standards in the Pakistani textile industry’ supported businesses in the textile and garment industry in Pakistan. GIZ helped organizing change management processes with employees and managers to improve the compliance with labour and environmental standards and boost productivity. As a result, the working conditions of 20,000 employees were improved and companies were able to considerably increase productivity. The project also contributed significantly to an increase in sallaries by 9 to 10 percent of about 7,000 workers.