Welcome to our online repository of insightful blog articles and publications. Here, we curate a collection of our work that we think can be useful to you.

Final Evaluation of the Project “Promoting an integrated approach to end violence against women and reinforcing gender equality in Georgia"
The project (2020–2022) enhanced gender equality and combated violence against women in Georgia through capacity building, policy tools, and public awareness campaigns. Mainlevel evaluated its alignment with the Istanbul Convention, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Central Project Evaluation: Municipal Development Initiative (IDM) in Tunisia
The IDM project (2015–2024) in Tunisia enhanced municipal transparency, citizen participation, and digitalisation. It supported 59 municipalities, improved administrative services, and fostered gender and youth inclusion, contributing to decentralisation and governance reforms.

Central project evaluation: Promotion de l’agriculture (ProAgri 4), Benin
The ProAgri 4 project (2020–2023) aimed to promote sustainable value chains in Benin through enhanced agricultural advisory services, capacity-building for stakeholders, and improved gender inclusion. Mainlevel evaluated its impact, efficiency, and alignment with BMZ goals.

Central project evaluation: "Supporting sustainable and inclusive economic development in Colombia"
The ProIntcame project (2018–2021) aimed to improve livelihoods and employment for internally displaced persons and host communities in Meta and Caquetá, Colombia. Mainlevel evaluated the project for GIZ, assessing its impact, efficiency, and alignment with BMZ goals, providing recommendations for future initiatives.

Midterm Evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund (NTF) V Programme
Mainlevel Consulting AG (Mainlevel) has been contracted by the International Trade Centre (ITC) to conduct a midterm evaluation of the Netherlands Trust Fund (NTF) V Programme
The evaluation provides an analysis of the programme’s performance across its seven projects, covering the period from July 1, 2021, to February 29, 2024. Findings are structured according to the OECD-DAC criteria: Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Potential Impact, and Sustainability. Special emphasis is placed on Effectiveness, where the programme has the greatest interest in gaining insights. A mixed-method approach was used, including document reviews, ecosystem analysis, big data techniques, and extensive primary data collection through interviews, focus groups, and an online survey. Data was collected from a range of

Evaluierung der Verwaltungspartnerschaften
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been advising the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) since 2000 in the context of mandates to design and implement administrative partnerships. The overarching goal is to support (economic) political reform and transformation processes in selected partner countries, contributing to long-term improvements in their regulatory frameworks.

Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction and Economic Resilience through Rural Development
The study by Mainlevel Consulting assesses Fairtrade's impact on poverty reduction and rural development in Ghana and Peru across cocoa, banana, and coffee sectors, comparing certified and non-certified Small Producer Organizations (SPOs) using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Final Evaluation of the Coffee Innovation Fund
Mainlevel Consulting AG (Mainlevel) has been contracted by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to conduct an evaluation of the project “Coffee Innovation Fund”.
This evaluation report provides an overview of the project’s results as well as learnings and recommendations to inform a possible follow-on project. Findings are structured along the GIZ evaluation criteria, based on the DAC-Criteria, namely: Relevance, Coherence, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact, and Sustainability. The evaluation will place a particular emphasis on the Effectiveness criterion where the project has the highest interest in knowledge.