National system for IDPoor social protection scheme in Cambodia

20190912 ID Poor IT Launch Workshop 365

Photos credits for this project case study: GIZ, Conor Wall


The Cambodian government, supported by GIZ, has established a nationwide targeting mechanism for the identification of poor households. Mainlevel has developed a modern web-based system as well as mobile apps to manage, collect, analyse and disseminate data of over 10 million households.

Mainlevel’s contribution

  • Analysis of processes and requirements via workshops with government officials and key data users
  • Definition of harmonised software architecture to allow for future interoperability with different ministries
  • User interface design in consultation with key user groups
  • Agile development of a web-based national database system and mobile applications
  • Training and handover to local IT companies for sustainable operation of the IT systems

Further reading

Timeframe: 2018-2022