Portfolio and grant management system

  • Manage data from multiple projects via workspaces in Mainlevel CONNECT, e.g. for portfolios, programmes or clusters

  • Share and synchronize data between workspaces, e.g. to collect detailed information on project level and aggregate numbers on global level

  • Analyse data at a glance with flexible dashboards with advanced analytics and filters for each workspace and global level

  • Customize workspaces to the individual needs of each project, e.g. data points, indicator sets, look&feel

  • Manage grants and application processes via workflows, e.g. to track applications in different steps in your process

  • Receive and review applications from external sources via programming interfaces

  • Convert applications into full workspaces after approval of the grant

  • Task reminders and notifications support you to keep an overview about your portfolio and grant, also allowing you to define responsible persons for task

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Digital monitoring and case management system for ‘Sports for Development in Africa’
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