Results-based Monitoring
A good monitoring system helps projects and organisations track their achievements, learn from challenges and improve their strategic decision-making.
We support our clients by developing monitoring mechanisms and results-based monitoring systems that make it easier for them to track and analyse progress, report on successes and make decisions informed by evidence.

What we do
Our monitoring services include:
Developing Theory of Change and results models
Establishing monitoring systems, which includes defining indicators
Providing ongoing monitoring support and data collection or processing
Offering M&E training and capacity-building

Featured Projects

Advice for the monitoring and evaluation system of the global project “AgriChains”
The global project "Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains" promotes the sustainability of selected agricultural supply chains such as cotton, banana or coffee.
Digital monitoring and case management system for ‘Sports for Development in Africa’
The Sports for Development in Africa (S4DA) programme uses sport as means to promote education, employment, health, gender equality and peaceful coexistence for children and youth.