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Mainlevel CONNECT in now Reframe Data

Reframe Data is the next evolutionary step of our journey: a modern tech start-up with a passion for building software products, that provide truly actionable insights for organisations and projects in the non-profit and public sectors across the globe.

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Our latest projects

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Target group analysis for online German classes in Indonesia
Target group analysis for online German classes in Indonesia
Goethe Institut Indonesia increasingly expanded online language course offers. Mainlevel implemented a target group analysis of German language learners from across Indonesia.
National system for IDPoor social protection scheme in Cambodia
National system for IDPoor social protection scheme in Cambodia
Mainlevel has developed a modern web-based system as well as mobile apps to manage, collect, analyse and disseminate data of over 10 million households.
Education information system for vocational qualification of Afghan refugees
Education information system for vocational qualification of Afghan refugees
The vocational training and education project for Afghan refugees living in Iran (ARIVET) targets Afghan refugees in Iran with the aim of improving their employability and securing their livelihoods.
IT system for the collection and aggregation of BMZ standard indicators
IT system for the collection and aggregation of BMZ standard indicators
In 2021, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) decided within its reform concept "BMZ 2030" to introduce standard indicators along defined core topics.
Advice for the monitoring and evaluation system of the global project “AgriChains”
Advice for the monitoring and evaluation system of the global project “AgriChains”
The global project "Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains" promotes the sustainability of selected agricultural supply chains such as cotton, banana or coffee.

Our Clients

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  • Giz
  • KfW
  • DAAD
  • Sequa
  • BMZ
  • Fairtrade
  • Goethe Institut
  • SDC
  • ADA
  • Welthungerhilfe
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Employer of the future

Mainlevel has been recognised as an "Employer of the future" by the German Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization, for ensuring that sustainability, digital innovation, and employee well-being are always at the forefront of our values.

We are delighted and very proud of this award, which confirms our commitment to maintain an innovative and employee-friendly company environment.